Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aug. 29-Sept. 2

Read this article:

Connect this article to what we have and currently are studying in APES. Make at least three connections.


  1. Alright, The fact the no one truly knows that global warming is happening or not is scary. I'm not sure what to believe but in this article its good to know scientist are looking into the problem and laying out as many facts as they can to students and other readers. In our APES class we are learning about how one thing can effect our future and present life. Animals leaving and not coming back can change humans and other organisms lives. Heat causing this problem can also be a problem because so much depends on our weather systems. Each season bring different types of food that we use to survive. Lastly in our class we focus on big things that if they disappear then we will be in trouble. Focusing on butterflies and not saying what type of plants and animals leaving does leave our focus because what impact will happen? Its a good article it broadens your mind to what is happening but needs more facts to make people care more.

  2. Scientists are continuely arguing about whether or not global warming is happening, the fact that they dont know is really scary. Reading the article it states that migration and breeding patterns are slowly moving up towards the north poles. This could be a warning sign that yes, we are in a warming crisis but we dont know how to fix it other than limit the greenhouse gases and so on. This article can also connect to what we are learning in our APES class about how if we loose one little species such as a mouse the whole ecosystem or food web could collapse. And theses ecosystems make up our world if they fall we fall and that would be disatorous. With global warming comes the whole heat factor and with the heat factor comes the changes in our weather. Last august we usually recieved 100 degree heat and this august we get a high of 95. This article focuses on mostly migratting patterns, i mean people barely understanding global warming, scientists can you please explain that to us firt with the fact this time?

  3. The continual debate over the heated topic of global warming is disturbing and shows another fissure in our already fractured nation. This article shows that sustainability is becoming a more distant goal, for animals feel that they cannot sustain themselves in their current environment and move toward the poles and cooler temperatures. Not only that, but species are specifically adapted to live in certain biomes and environments, eventually there will not be any more space to move to and their biomes will move beyond reach. Studies like these make conferences like the Kyoto Protocol and the Montreal Protocol even more relevant and show the U.S. should engage more actively in the conservation of the environment.

  4. Global warming is a problem and despite fairly certain scientific evidence we are still debating its existence instead of combating the already apparent issues arising from it (like animals moving towards the poles). This relates to what we've been learning in Enivo Science because these animals cannot keep moving out of their environments or they will no longer be adapted to their location and they will lose their niche. It's interesting to see the effects of greenhouse gasses (like CO2) affecting really creatures instead of just reading about it in our textbook. Hopefully we can reduce this migration by taking a more aggressive stance on environmental issues (cough cough USA). It's time that one of the largest industrial powers, the US, who holds TONS of influence, signs on to the Kyoto Protocol or makes some serious social changes or we WILL start degrading our food web. Which is not good. At all.

  5. Maddi said: The debate of global warming, at this point, seems never ending. NO one can agree! This is detrimental to earth because since there are not many agreements, many plans to save earth have not been put into action. This article relates to environmental science because species (now that they are moving towards the poles) must adapt to new habitats. But there will come a time when they may no longer be able to adapt therefore they will lose their niche. Also the pollutants our country is setting into the air is a disaster waiting to happen(and you bet its coming soon). Things like the Kyoto Protocol were set up to help thee environment, hmm..yet the USA chose not to help with that. Are people actually concerned with the environment over here? Or do we all just want to live our luxurious lives and drive our BIG gas guzzling Hummers and Trucks? Think about it...most likely many people’s answers would be, "well I would like to help the environment but I always need my blow dryer and fan and mirror lights on." Ya way to go, you’re REALLY helping the environment...NOT!

  6. It makes sense that birds would flee from the heat but its not too huge of a problem. I mean is it truly killing birds? Rather I would say that this is like forcing people to move by bulldozing their neighborhood. You not killing anyone or making their lives worse. Rather all your doing is making them drag themselves else where. We aren't actively killing birds their just going elsewhere. And I think this is a good thing. After all many people have because spoiled and endeared with the large bird populations that come to where they are annually and complain that they won't be able to see the birds any more. But what about neighborhoods and towns that aren't in the path of annual bird migrations? They haven't gotten anything and now, with birds fleeing from increasing temperatures and a harsher climate towns that normally wouldn't be visited can finally enjoy the bird watching that other, luckier towns have been enjoying for decades. It'll be good for tourism and business in those towns, possibly creating jobs.

  7. Global warming has become an issue throughout the years and has never beenn taken care of. This article relates to our APES class because we learn the adaptaion styles of animals and we learn how certain things can affect life today and in the future. One connection to the picture is the fact that animals are leaving their locations and not coming back. Another connection to this previous connection, is due to heat, animals are leaving. Animals either leave because it is too cold or too hot and they don't usually return to their original places unless they are not pleased with their new environment. The last connection is that if animals somehow disappear off the face of the earth, then many other animals including humans will have difficulties functioning through the rest of their lives.

  8. Kylie Kirkland

    I know I already emailed this to you but I wanted to make sure you got it:)

    My opinion is that nobody knows that global warming is actually a fact. It is still being studied AS TIME GOES ON. It is true that scientist study global warming very deeply and thoroughly. They have a lot of evidence and data that support the theory that global warming is a possiblity of being true. Although, I think that Earth has a natural way of changing it's atmosphere. For example, Earth has had many ice ages. I believe that Earth has a natural process of cooling and warming. The article also stated that many species have been migrating to the poles. This could just be an example of how animals evolve... OVER TIME.

  9. Sarah Keyes

    There is still doubts as to wether or not global warming is an actual fact. I think that its impossible to say they weren't biased, people will find the results they want to and just saying the other side uses junk science isn't science. Science investigates all possibilities not just the popular ones. For instance there are claims that Earth has had climate changes like this before and that it eventually goes back to normal.And maybe global warming is a real fact but from what I have seen they havn't really taken efforts to investigate other possiblities and until they do i will still see it as a theory and not proven fact.

  10. Sooooooo, billions of dollars is spent every year to research the idea of "global warming", "scientists" never get to a resolution and are busy wasting my tax dollars (yes i do pay taxes) on arguing whether its true or not. We need to stop wasting our time on talking about if this is real or not and do or do nothing about it. I could really care less, we just need to focus our power on things that actually matter on this planet, like the empire that China is creating or the poverty level of our own Americans. Birds are migrating because they are needing to adapt to the changing environment. For the past, god knows how long, animals have changed and migrated or adapted to the environment, and yes the earth has gone through warming and cooling phases, and it seems like we are in a warming phase. This does however relate to APES in the sense that we are learning about adaptations of animals and this IS ONE. So in conclusion US AMERICANS NEED TO FOCUS ON MORE IMPORTANT THINGS THEN THE WARMING OF OUR PLANET.

  11. Matt L
    Good argument Mr. Critchfield. You really know your stuff. Which is why he's right. This so called "global warming"(which is a myth)does nothing for us. It's just another reason for people to run around saying the world is gonna end. I'd hate to be the scientist who thought of the concept of "G.W." He just looked at his data, said "Woah, Earth is two degrees warmer than it was last year! OMG the world is coming to an end." No Mr. Crazy Scientist, it's not. It's not rocket science, the Earth has been heating and cooling and heating and cooling for millions of years. Americans adapt to things. We've been adapting for thousands of years. Okay? I, along with millions of other people, such as my fellow classmate, do not believe in this myth. Why? Because myths are FAKE.

  12. The fact that after decades of research scientists still cannot prove that global warming really exists is scary. Whether I believe in it or not doesn't matter. The migration of animals towards the poles is still occurring at an alarming rate and I think scientists should be more concerned about how to preserve these animals' habitats rather than proving that global warming exists. In APES we have been learning about ecosystems and the food web. We know that eventually these species will run out of space to migrate and will eventually become extinct. All organisms are linked together and the extinction of one species will drastically alter an ecosystem. Another way to think of it though is that animals' habitats have changed, changed, and changed again over time and the species still alive on earth have adapted and survived just fine. In the last chapter we discussed the adaptation and evolution of species over time and this could be exactly what is happening now. We have also been learning about the loss of biodiversity around the world as a result to deforestation, pollution, and the spread of agriculture. These animals are moving because their home is no longer fit to adhere to their needs and this is mostly humanities fault. The United States is a large contributor to the destruction of ecosystems and needs to stop worrying about making money and be more concerned with the only home we have; Earth. I believe the U.S. needs to suck it up and sign the Kyoto Protocol because can we live with ourselves knowing thousands of species are going extinct as a direct result of our lifestyles?

  13. David Lange

    It is frustrating to watch the amount of energy being wasted in arguments regarding global warming. There is solid evidence that global temperature has risen and is still rising. Those who are claiming that there is no such thing as global warming are lagging behind the argument. It has been proven that there has been fluctuation in global temperature before on earth and one might come to the conclusion that the increasing worldwide temperature that we are currently experiencing is simply another natural fluctuation. In my opinion humans at the minimum are partly at fault because our interactions with nature, especially immense emissions of C0_2 through combustion and the destruction of forest through deforestation (eliminating a significant carbon sink), are effecting our environment. So global warming is a cause for many organisms migrating towards poles, those who make the migration successfully should have a decent chance at escaping the change unscathed, but those who unable to migrate will be facing serious consequences, some even extinction. Global warming will be cause for an increasing decline in biodiversity; however, that will not be its only detriments. The change in weather patterns will also alter the water cycles possibly prompting more severe droughts some places and increasing floods in other places. There will possibly be many more consequences and I have a strong feeling it won’t be long until we figure them out.

  14. After reading this article, it is clear that global warming is responsible for a change in migration pattern for animals. Currently, the animals are headed further north or south, depending on which hemisphere they live in, to find the cooler climates they are used to. This, however, is not a huge issue in my opinion. Global warming is a natural occurring phenomenon and will happen no matter what. In our case, humans are only speeding up the process by combustion of fossil fuels. So, with scientists like Professor Chris Thomas pinning all the blame on the human population is unfair because there have been other cycles where the Earth has experienced global warming. In the end, animal migration patterns are changing due to global warming which is being sped up by humans, but it is a natural cycle the planet goes through.

  15. By now it should be obvious that global warming is a real threat to our planet. After 40 years of debate, there are still too many people that just don't want to downgrade their polluting oil businesses, coal mining, etc. I think that at this point in time we should start listening to the scientists who know what they're talking about, not the big businesses. The species that are migrating north are just making a quick fix to the climate change problem. As the planet gets warmer, more and more populations are going to be migrating, which is too much environmental resistance for our ecosystems to handle. Also, there will be increasing competition for habitats in cooler climates, so in the end no one will win. It's time we start listening to the experts who have factual evidence, because if we don't soon, who knows what kind of irreversible damage we might cause ot our planet.

  16. Blake Wright~
    Global warming has been a point of interest and argument for a long time now. Basically, if it exists, it is altering life and patterns of life, as we know it. How this article relates to our classroom is by the following:
    1) We are learning about how the effects of climate change can effect the lives of organisms living in the area of the change. Whether drastic or minor.
    2) We are also learning of how the effects of one organism leaving or being introduced to a new area can catastrophically change the entire ecosystem's natural balance.
    3) Finally, we are learning about how organisms with low reproduction rate and such are less likely to survive a change in sudden environmental shifts.

  17. Global warming is and will always be the subject for debate. Scientist have found that it is occuring each and everyday and have tried thinking of new and helpful ideas. This article relates to our APES class due to the fact we are in this class to learn about the futcure and how it has been affected aswell as new ways we can help. When little things change in the enviornment it effects each and every organism. This article definetly changes my outlook on things.

    Jamie Weisman

  18. Global warming is happening all around us right this very moment, I believe that is true however the fact that most scientists are saying its human caused I believe is totally wrong. The earth goes through decreases and increases in temperature ever since it was made those changes don't have anything to do with humans. One way this article relates to what we are learning in apes is sustainability. Organisms near the equator feel that they cant sustain themselves any longer in the warming temperatures so they are migrating to the poles. We have also been learning about ecosystems and food webs. With animals moving migrating at fast pasts to the poles ecosystems and food webs will be shattered and in the long run will most likely effect us. We have also been learning about loss of biodiversity all over the world. With these animals being forced to move because of the warming climate some may not be able to migrated to another environment where they can again sustain themselves. Some organisms may also not be able to migrate in time and become extinct.

  19. Tanner Kane
    Global warming is something that will always end up in a heated argument. Scientists are finding clear evidence of some sort of global warming, but for all we know it could be a coincidence. This can relate to APES by showing how we are "hurting" the environment. Fossil fuel emissions and other things that we do could be contributing to global warming. But we are not completely sure.

  20. Global warming has been a main issue that we have studied in class. The rate that animals are moving due to that increase of climate can cause many problems. Another factor that we have been studying is invasive species, the movement of species toward their desired conditions can increase the competition with newer species and can potentially harm them. The last factor that i made a connection to would be the ability to adapt to new conditions. The climate may be more suitable for the species, but the original species may not be benefiting the new species.

  21. Cameron Barbarick

    Global warming is a increasingly important issue in many ecosystems. this global warming is a cause of burning fossil fuels, which can majorly disrupt ecosystems. Another cause of these migrations are the many climate changed caused by humans such destroying and polluting ecosystems. These migrations may cause invasive species to invade habitats of other species.... causing those species to migrate as well.

  22. Scientists have been and are continuing to argue about the existence and intensity of global warming, and have been pouring years of work and millions of dollars into their search for evidence that supports their case. Lately, there has been evidence of animals migrating and shifting their habitats farther north or south, as temperatures near the equator are rising. In my opinion, these scientists, especially the ones that are proving the existence of global warming, are doing nothing to solve the problem of which they are all too eager to complain about. Maybe global warming exists, or maybe the Earth is experiencing natural warming, but the innumerable time and funds that have been spent could have been utilized for disovering alternative energy sources, as opposed to being used to entrench oneself in one's own opinion. Even if global warming is a myth, the invention of better natural energy sources would solve other problems as well, such as our eventual but inevitable depletion of fossil fuels, or the U.S's reliance on oil companies in the Middle East. Also, I believe that we have put too much emphasis on preventing the extinction of some species. After all, countless species of animals have gone extinct on the path to our present biodiversity, and many more will most likely disappear in the future. But many species will survive, and many new species will form as well, and will be better suited to the ecosystem in which they are found, so we should stop interfering with natural selection, the process that has given us the organisms we have today, by coddling species that are no longer fit to be in our ever-changing world.

  23. Jesse Barnes
    This article directly relates to the issue of globalwarming, unfortunately our continual use of fossil fuels for energy is causing the atmosphere to contain more gases; thus allowing more heat to stay in theozone. This continuous build up of gases is causing the glaciers in the polesto melt which in turn is destroying the lives of the creatures who live inthese areas. This global issue has made multiple countries realize change is necessaryin order for their country to continue to prosper; so, multiple regulationshave been placed on the use of fossil fuels. There are multiple predictionsthat if this global warming persists as rapidly as it has been then we will see catastrophic damages to multiple species including our own.

  24. the use of fossil fuels in the world today has gone up exponentially as the world's population has increased, thus causing the world's ozone layer to become depleated and thinner thus giving the sun more access to the earth and warming the surface. this results in the glaciers melting and the release of the gases caught in them, which also helps depleate the ozone layer. we are just destined to die. its the way of life.
