Tuesday, November 22, 2011

China talks about Climate Change before the UN Summit on Climate Change on Dec. 9th


Read this article also: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/nov/20/rich-nations-give-up-climate-treaty?newsfeed=true

What are the actions that China would like to see taken by developed countries to curb greenhouse gases?  How will the global economic crisis impact the rate of change in terms of curbing greenhouse gases (in your opinion)?  Is the economic crisis a good enough reason to allow countries to continue emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other greenhouse gases?  Why or Why not?
Who is the number one emitter of these gases? What is their 2020 goal? Is this goal, in your opinion, good enough?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. China would like to see developed or richer countries start putting a cap on their emissions.
    Oil and fossil fuels are cheaper right now because they don't require research or funding because we have already been using them "effectively" for forever. I think that right now the lack of funds everywhere will negativly impact the green revolution because countries will be less willing to throw research money into green ventures. This decision while perhaps prudent in the short term will undoubtedly hurt all of us in the long term.
    Absolutely not. While I understand that food and care for countries are important our future is ALSO important. Countries need to be willing to invest in the green future or harm us all.
    The number one emitter of these gasses is China and their 2020 goal is to reduce CO2 by 40-50%. I think that since they are the number one producer they should shoot for even higher, sooner! Its key that we turn our planet around.

  3. Alexandra Mutto:

    The actions that China would like to see taken by developed countries to curb greenhouse gases is that they want industrialized countries to earn carbon credits by investing in clean projects in developing nations. In my opinion the global economic crisis will impact the rate of change in terms of curbing greenhouse gases because most people cannot afford it. The reality is, is that people don’t have the money to contribute to reduce greenhouse gasses and as long as the economy stays were it is no further changes will be made in the terms of curbing greenhouse gasses. The economic crisis is not a good enough reason to allow countries to continue emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other greenhouse gases because by allowing this to happen our resources are depleting as we speak. Money should not be the main thing on our minds, it will always be here. We need to start focusing on the fact that allowing all of these countries to continue emitting all of these greenhouse gasses it is polluting our air and water, it is destroying our rainforests, and it is causing many people to become ill. It is essentially withering away earth as we know it. The number one emitter of these gases is China. Their goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40-50%. In my opinion this is a reasonable goal because we have to start somewhere. If they are able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50% it will have many positive impacts on the environment. The fact that they are recognizing the issue and trying to do something about it is a step in the right direction.

    I really don't like china. I'm glad to see there goal is to reduce Carbon Dioxide and make the world a better place. There idea is to make everyone contribute and invest in cleaner machines and projects that will reduce CO2. Its a pretty good idea but the fact is not enough people care and I think China is trying to control everyone. If this works for them it will contribute hugely to the world and maybe set an example for others. As of right now I believe global warming is at the bottom of our issues. We have so many more issues we need to focus on and so does China. I say good luck. Good idea hope they can follow through with it.

  5. Evan (the prophet) CritchfieldNovember 29, 2011 at 4:48 PM

    China would like to see developed countries curb there emissions by allowing industrialized nations earn carbon credits by investing in clean projects for developing nations. They are urging developed nations to start reducing their emissions.
    Due to our state of economic health, we are no one near to providing money to improve the climate. In my opinion, I believe we need to focus our strength on our own citizens and a focus on our economic drought. Even though the climate is an important issue, we still need to worry about our own people at this point.
    I feel both ways on the decision to let countries continue to emit their emissions. In order to continue our businesses and our food and necessities production, we need our fuel (fossil fuels, nuclear power, etc.) which will provide us with our needs. The CAN'T stop, or our nation will. But we should still be aware of our amount of emissions.
    The number one emitter of these gases is China. Their 2020 goal is to reduce emissions by 40-50%. Being the number one emitter of dangerous gases, yes I do believe this is a good goal to reach.

  6. Connor Krier

    Since oil and fossil fuels are at such low prices China would like developed countries like the U.S. to put a cap on their carbon emmisions. They lack of funds the world economy is experiences has severely halted progress toward a sustainable future. Countries must continue their research toward a future that involves green, clean, and sustainable energy if they wish to prosper. Since China is such a prominent produce of green house gases, specifically from coal, I believe that they should be the first to put a cap on their emissions sooner than the rest of the world, however that does not mean that developed counties like our own should procrastinate any longer.

  7. Jesse Barnes
    China would like to see other countries, including America, put more restrictions on their continuous carbon pollutions. The current economic crisis will give countries an excuse to continue to use fossil fuels because they are cheaper. The economic crisis should not be a sufficient reason to curb spending on depleting carbon emissions but apparently it is sufficient. America and China are the number one emitters of carbon gases. No emission goals will go into effect until 2020 which means for the next nine years countries will be putting that much more of pollutants into our atmosphere.

  8. Maddi:
    China would like to see indusltrialized nations try to cap there greenhouse gases buy earning carbon credits for using greener technology.China is trying to use incentives to lower pollutant levels.
    Now, a lot of people are saying that since we are in an economic crisis we need to just rely on our cheapest source of energy even if it is damaging the enviornment. Well i strongly disagree with this. I will be the first to admit that many people are strugling finacialy, but if we do not invest in green energy now then by the time the economic crisis is over, it could be to late. I think that our relationsship with the planet is very give and take. We give the planet a lower level of pollutants and it takes this lower level to better the enviornment. Then it gives us back fresh air, water, and a cleaner enviornment and we take these things and use them as need be. All and all, the economic crisis, or any other crisis that may come along, can not stop us from doing what is right by investing in reliable, green energy sources.
    The 2020 goal is to do what the Koyoto Pr otocol did, buy putting a cap on emmisions levels and giving incetives for green energy. Now many countries are not on board with this if the leaders of emisions(US and China) do not agree to the new protocol.My worry is that we shall be waiting to long for this next treaty to be put into action. A lot may happen in 9 years, so why wait so long. Buy the year 2020 we, as a world population, may have catastrophicly ruined or damaged the enviornment we all need to survive. This just seems rediculous to me. My opinion is dont waste anymore time and get a new protocol set up to start acting once the old one times out.

  9. Since we are in an economic crisis, we are turning to the sources that can be bought with the least amount of money, and the fossil fuels that the United States and China are using is only because wer are in a huge defecit and going cheap is the only solution the US can come up with right now. China wants the US to put a cap on our green house emmisions because our two countries are the leaders in pollutant levels. China is trying to pressure its country into lowering its emmisions. The US should do something similar, only not for political reasons. We should lower our emmisions just because it will help the environment, and humankind in the long run. With them twiddling their thumbs over whether or not they want to help the environment, until 2020 even, when there is an obvious solution, they will take their respective countries down with them and the environment is going to suffer. 9 years is a while to wait, and making a treaty to better mankind you'd think would be an easy choice. Apparently, being in politics means you dont care a rats ... about anything but money and aquisition of new places and sources etc.

  10. McClaren Unholz:
    The reason that so many countries are dependent on fossil fuels is because they are inexpensive and generate a lot of energy for their cost. Another reason is that the technology is more developed than the technology of the renewable resources. Although fossil fuels are cheap and well developed they have severe consequences on the environment. These benefits are not reason enough to continue to damage our environment. Renewable energy is expensive and not as developed and not as reliant as burning fossil fuels. But the earth is not disposable once its gone its gone and it is important that as a world we suck it up spend the money and quit destroying the planet.

  11. Abigail Olson:
    China is trying to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere by rewarding carbon credits to countries that reduce their emissions. The global economic crisis is going to impact the greenhouse gas emissions by increasing them because fossil fuels are inexpensive and efficent for the low cost. I dont believe the economic crisis is enough to let people continue to use fossil fuels because it is increasingly harming our planet and we need to relieze this and reduce it. The number one emmiter of the greenhouse gases is the United States and China. The 2020 goal is to do what the kyto Protocol did by putting a cap on emissions. I agree with many of the students who responed, i think we dont have the time to wait for a new treaty tp be written up, signed and put into action. I mean alot can happen in 9 years so we need to start now with the redction of emissions or put green energy to work.

  12. China would like to see richer and more developed countries to curve there emissions by earning carbon credits for using greener technologies. My opinion on the economy dealing with climate change is that it is an issue but it is not that important. It has happened before and if we would stop freaking out over a change of 1 degree in the climate and let the earth run its natural course we could focus on way more important things. Especially in our economy we need to be focusing on our citizens as even said above not climate issues. I understand how ever that it is an important issue but its not the most important. As for China they are the number one emitters of green house gasses and there goal by 2020 is to reduce it by 40-50 percent. I think this is a great goal but they should shoot for higher. China likes to dig themselves into holes and its there job to get themselves out of it I think that they need to focus on there problems and stop trying to drag everybody else into it with them.

  13. Cameron Barbarick:
    China would like to see reduction in the levels of emmision of greenhouse gasses by rewarding carbon credits to countries that reduce their emissions. Due to the low price of energy by fossil fuels i beieve that countries will continue to rely on this source of energy. Although coal is an efficient source of energy now, I beileve that in the long run it will only destroy our planet. Continuing to rely on energy by fossil fuels is absurd and will only continue to get worst on the environment. China, being the number one emmiter of green house gasses is planning on reducing their emisions by 40-45%, by 2020. Although this is a small goal now I beileve that it is a good start to reducing green house gasses.

  14. Cole Joyce:
    China is hoping that industrialized nations that use a large majority of total fossil fuels, such as the U.S, will reduce their carbon emissions, through new energy sources, increased efficiency, or a reduction in overall energy use. Many countries, however, are postponing negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions until 2016 at the earliest, which will not take effect until 2020. Progress and experimentation with new methods of energy production are further hindered by the global economic crisis. I believe that while we do not have much time to address climate change, it will be impossible for countries to work toward this until their economies are stable and food and other necessities are available. There are step that can be taken while this occurs. A global effort to reduce energy use, especially in the U.S and other developed nations, can slow the rate at which carbon is released, and companies can continue to develop more fuel efficient technologies. China’s goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 40-50%, which, while not a total solution, will be a promising step toward greenhouse gas reduction, and is a good goal for other countries to follow while our economic problems are being solved.

  15. Breanna De Mello
    Since our economy isn't doing so great we are turning things that can be bought with the least amount of money. So fossil fuels are what the United States and China are using because of the budget right now and it is the cheapest things out there. mChina wants the US to put a stop on our green house emmisions because our two countries are the leaders in pollutant levels. And China is trying to get its country to lower its emmisions as well. The US needs to lower our emmisions because it will help the us and the environment in the long run. Right now they could be trying to come up witha solution, but because the have set the date for 2020 they are just taking their time. They need to get on the problem now and start coming up with ideas or else the problem is going to get worse and we may not have until 2020 to figure this out. In my opinion I think they need to get on it and not waste any time, I mean come on it's our future we are talking about and putting it aside till 2020 isn't a good idea.

  16. China is hoping that more developed countries will reduce how many fossil fuels they use. My opinion on the economy dealing with climate change is that it is very important because it starts with us, the people. We have numerous amounts of technologies at our fingertips and we need to start using them. We are burning fossil fuels at a faster rate then ever before. If we keep this up then the world could be in serious danger. In our economy we also need to be focusing on our citizens and how they can help lower the use of fossil fuels. As for China they are the number one emitters of green house gasses and there goal by 2020 is to reduce it by 40-50 percent. I think this is a great goal but they should shoot for higher. China has a serious pollution problem that needs to be addressed. It will not only affect China, but it will affect the rest of the world as well. The burning of fossil fuels is a huge problem and it is something that everyone needs to help with, not just the citizens of China.

  17. China would like to see more fossil fuels being used to reduce carbon emissions. My opinion of the global economic crisis that will impact the rate of change in terms of curbing greenhouse gases is mainly due to the fact that it is just not affordable and not being funded properly. People don’t have the money to support the reduction of greenhouse gases and if the economy stays the same and nothing changes then there shouldn't be any worry or a problem at all. Funding money also seems to be a problem because organizations can't seem to positively impact greenhouse gases. The economic crisis is not a good enough reason to allow countries to continue emitting carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases because not only is not good for the environment now but it can become a big issue in the years to come which is not something that people would look forward to. The number one emitter in the world is China and their 2020 goal is to reduce CO2. In my opinion, I think waiting that long may be a problem just because its about 8 years away and you never know what can happen in that time. To me, it just is too long to START something so why not FINISH the project that year or at least keep it all going.

  18. Matt Larson a.k.a. Suzanna JohnsonDecember 6, 2011 at 8:48 AM

    China would like to see reduction in the levels of emmision of greenhouse gasses by rewarding carbon credits to countries that reduce their emissions. Oil and fossil fuels are cheaper right now because they don't require research or funding because we have already been using them "effectively" for forever. Although fossil fuels are cheap and well developed they have severe consequences on the environment. These benefits are not reason enough to continue to damage our environment. There are steps that can be taken while this occurs. A global effort to reduce energy use, especially in the U.S and other developed nations, can slow the rate at which carbon is released, and companies can continue to develop more fuel efficient technologies. China has a serious pollution problem that needs to be addressed. It will not only affect China, but it will affect the rest of the world as well. The burning of fossil fuels is a huge problem and it is something that everyone needs to help with, not just the citizens of China.

  19. David Lange
    China would like to see the reduction of fossil fuel being consumed in order to reduce c02 emissions. The current economic situation is going to hamper the reduction of fossil fuel consumption in the future. I believe this is undesirable and if we fail to reduce c02 emission there will be detrimental effects.

  20. China is setting a good president for other nations, mostly due to how the carbon credits work. If large nations, or the main producers of carbon emissions, give up the entire plan becomes pointless. I mean sure, we have the economic crisis to worry about now but nations just aren't thinking long term. The cost, in the future or making much needed radickle energy reforms will be far greater than if we do them now and solve the problem. not to mention the cost of levies and protecting areas from flooding due to the flooding. Not to mention the amount that many more jobs will be brought in by a switch over to green energy and green energy related jobs. Countries need to realize that fixing global warming isn't to be put off because of a bad economy... if only because it will improve the economy.

  21. China would like to see the developed and rich nations put a cap on their CO2 emissions. The economic situation is having a larger effect on the rate at which nations are agreeing to stopping greenhouse gas emissions because they are more focused on domestic issues and international trade than the environment. The economic crisis is nowhere near a good enough excuse for governments to allow greenhouse gas emissions because the production of greener technology and the switch to renewable sources will help health and can create jobs. The number one emitter of greenhouse gases is China and their goal is to reduce emissions 40-45% by 2020. For a nation of its size and importance, and if they follow through with their plan, should be used as an example and inspiration for other developed and developing nations to largely reduce greenhouse gases and switch to renewable sources.

  22. According to the articles, China's goal is to reduce their pollutions of greenhouse gasses by 40 to 50 percent by the year 2020. They are also hoping that other developed nations will try their best to reduce carbon pollutions in the atmosphere. I think this is a big deal because China is taking a step forward to a greener future. If we don't follow their footsteps, we will have to face great consequences. I understand that the U.S is in an economic crisis, but we do have the technology so we might as well find a way to use it. If we don't, once again we will suffer worse consequences in the future. I also feel that the goal of the new Koyoto Protocol will take way to long to be put into place. Until then, people need to be informed to do what they can to reduce their emissions of CO2. So basically, everyone needs to join in with China and participate and cooperate with helping our atmospheric crisis.

  23. China's goal is to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gasses by 40-50 percent by 2020. China is finding more ways to become greener and more efficient. They are hoping that other countries can do the same, probably the US. We have the potential and the technology to do so, we just need to keep pushing the limits. Bottom line is all countries need to find more ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions (if they have not already) and to try and make a difference by not producing as much CO2

  24. Karl Dietz

    China wants gross polluters of greenhouse gases, like United States, to reduce their emissions. This is in spite of the fact that China is the #1 polluter. The global economic crisis will halt the progression of reducing greenhouse emissions because the last thing people want to think about right now is going green, when banks are failing and inflation is occurring. However, that being said, it is no excuse to completely halt this goal. We should be able to work on the economy and the environment. The #1 emitter is China, followed by the US. In 2020 people want to see all countries try to reduce carbon emissions, and this is a modest goal.

  25. Breanna Beller
    China would like to see countries like the United States reduce their emissions to curb the effects of greenhouse gases. I think because the price of energy produced by fossil fuels are so low, people will keep relying on this source of energy production. The economic crisis I believe is not a good enough reason for people to keep emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere because people just do not want to have to think about being "green" and putting their money into building new green sources of energy. The number one emitter of these greenhouse gases is China, with the US coming in second. China's 2020 goal is to reduce these gases by 40-50% by all countries and I think this goal is reasonable if all countries really agree and commit to it.
