Thursday, January 5, 2012

Are we accurately estimating extinction rates due to climate change?

Extinction rates and Climate Change Article

Read the article above and answer the following questions:

What is an extinction rate?

Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change?

What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates?

Your thoughts/opinions?


  1. 1. What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is the rate in which animals die or the process in which animals become extinct
    2. Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? Because animals move around and compete with each other and we have no way of tracking animals exact movements and their competitions with each other.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Some variables that need to be considered while estimating extinction rates are the climate, the competition, and geographic ranges. You also need to see if the animal has any habitat needs and/or food needs.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? I think there really is no way to track the exact rate on which an animal will become extinct but we can defiantly come close.

    Emilee Klug

  2. 1. What is an extinction rate? It is the rate at which animals die or in which they become extinct.
    2.Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? We have no way of tracking the animals exact movements because they are moving around and competing with each other.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? The competition, Geographic ranges, and the climate. And also if the animal(s) have any habitat needs or food needs.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? I honestly think that there is no way that we can track the exact rate at which any animal(s) will become extinct. But we can estimate on when it might happen.

    Adam Allen

  3. -What is an extinction rate?
    Its the rate at when animals die or when they go extinct.
    -Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change?
    There is really no way to track the animals movements exactly because they are constantly moving around and competeing with one another.
    -What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates?
    Variables that need to be considered while estimating extinction rates are, the competition, the climate and geographic ranges. Also what you need to do is see if the animly has any for and habitat needs.
    -Thoughts/Opinions? I dont think that we can exactly track when an animal is going to become extinct but i think that we can come pretty close and that we can see when it could possibly happen, but theres no way to be completly sure.

    Ashley Scott

  4. 1. What is an extinction rate? It is the rate in which animals begin to die out and cease to exist.
    2. Why do Scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? There is no way of tracking the exact movements of the animals and there is no way for us to be able to tell if the animals are competing with other species.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Things that need to be considered are climate, competition, georaphical changes, and and food/habitat needs that the animals depend on to survive.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? I think that we wont be able to track the exact day that an animal becomes extinct, but we have the technology to be able to predict when a species will become close to extinction.

    Nelly Steinhoff

  5. 1. What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is the speed at which a species begins to disappear or die out, leading to a lack of existence.
    2. Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? It is impossible to tell whether animals are competing with other species or what their exact movements are, therefore making it very hard to predict the rate of extinction.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Variables that need to be considered are competition, climate, food needs, habitat needs, and geographical changes.
    4. Thoughts and/or Opinions? I think that the fact that extinction rates cannot be predicted means that all scientists, biologists, and humans living on Earth should be making an effort to create reserves or areas where animals in serious danger of extinction will be able to take refuge.

  6. What is an extinction rate? It is the rate in which animals die and then become extinct.
    Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change?
    Because it is impossible to track down animals all the time. So they cannot tell if they become extinct due to their habitat, or there competition.
    What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? The variables are climate change, competition and geographic ranges, habitat needs, and food needs.
    Your thoughts/opinions? I think that there will never be a way to track down every animal to tell how they really become extinct. We will have some scientific guesses but never actually a real answer.

  7. 1. What is an extinction rate? - It's the rate the animals die off and eventually become extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? - Because scientists cannot track all the variables, mainly competition between species for new territory.
    3. Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? - Some include competition between species, climates, supplies of food, species need the right habitats and geographical ranges.
    4. Your thoughts/opinions? I think that tracking these animals and predicting their extinction rates is a daunting task, but we need to do it or else thousands of different species will start dying of sooner or later. We also need to try to right the situation by creating ways of sustaining the habitats and environments on this planet. Every species deserves space on Earth.

    -Kellen Giuliani

  8. 1. What is an extinction rate? Extinction rate is the duration of time in which it takes for animals to die off and to then become extinct.
    2.Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? We may be underestimating extinction rate because scientists can never really predict whether or not competition will occur between animals or if they can survive in their own habitat.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? The variables that need to be considered are searching for a habitat, competition, climate changes, and geographical changes.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? My opinion on this is that there really is no way of exactly knowing when different species will become extinct but we need to be more cautious about the risks of extinction and do our best to stop it from happening.

    Drew Fetzer

  9. 1. What is an extinction rate? Is the rate at which a species dies off and eventualy becomes extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think that we may be unestimating extinction rates due to climate change? There are many variables that can effect the population of a species which makes it difficult to estimate an extinction rate.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? The variables that should be considered are competition, access to food and water, predators, geographical change, and climate change.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? Humans need to be aware of how we impact animals and their environment and prevent any harm that we may cause. While we can't control factors such as predator and competion, we can control how we impact nature and the animals in it.

    Emily White

  10. 1. What is an extinction rate? The rate in which an animal species becomes extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? Because there are many variables that they might not have factored in. There is no certain way to know how animals will react in their new habitats or how they would compete with different species.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? All variables need to be considered. Climate change, competition, movement of the animals, exposure to predators, changes in habitat,and food availability.
    4. Thoughts/opinions - The extinction rate of species is important to know because it would make us more aware of the role we are playing in the animals extinctions, and we would be able to see what can be done to prevent it from happening.

    Bryan Sykes

  11. What is an extinction rate? The speed at which a species dies off and becomes extinct.
    Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? It is extremely difficult to track all the animal species.
    What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Climate, access to food and water, geographic factors,predators...etc.
    Thoughts/opinions? Keeping track of every animal species and there extinction status I imagine would be very difficult but we probably could come close.

    -Bonnie Bellefontaine

  12. 1. What is the extinction rate? Extinction rate is the duration of time in which it takes a species to die off and become extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? There are a lot of factors that can affect the population of a species which makes it difficult to estimate a extinction.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? The variables that need to be considered are access to food and water, climate change, competion, predators and changes in the habitat.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? Humans need to be more aware of what they are doing to the environment and how this is affecting animals. Humans also have to prevent as much harm as possible because we can't control predators and competion.

    Grace McDonald

  13. 1) What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is the rate at which a species is dying off.
    2) Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates? They think this because there are a lot of variables that can not be calculated into models, and how animals will react and interact can not be predicted completely.
    3) What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Variables that must be concidered are how quickly a species will react to climate changes, and how quickly their reactions are to the species around them.
    4) Thoughts/Opinions? I think everyone should be a lot more aware and educate themselves about what is really happening to our environments and what we can do to stop it. Also our governments should be making environmental issues more of a priority.

    Amanda Schafer

    1. 1)What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is how quickly a species dies off and becomes extinct.
      2)Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates? Scientists have concluded that there are several variables that can not be calculated into models and equations that show extinction rates. They also have realized that it is impossible to track how animals interact with each other.
      3)What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Two important variables to be considered include how a species will react to climate changes in their ecosystems and how quick their reactions are compared to species around them.
      4)Thoughts/Opinions? I agree that it is impossible to calculate exactly how fast species are becoming extinct because there are so many variables. It is important to realize that many species are rapidly becoming extinct and people should become educated in order to help prevent these extinctions.

  14. 1) What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is used to show how quickly a species will die off and eventually become extinct.
    2) Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates? They think that it may be underestimated because we have not taken into account things such as the species ability to relocate or how these different species will interact with each other.
    3) What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Some variables to keep in mind regarding extinction rates include how the species will react in a new environment and how fast the species can get to these new environments in contrast to their competitors.
    4) Thoughts/Opinions? What I took from the article is that unfortunately, with the change in climate, many species are on a fast track to becoming extinct. All we can do is educate ourselves, and maybe find a way to stop or at least slow down the process.

    Christopher Bauer

  15. 1. What is an extinction rate? The rate in which an animal species turn extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? Because there are many variables that they could have not have factored in. There is no certain way to know how animals can react in their new habitats or how they would compete with different species.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? All variables have to be considered. Climate change, competition, movement of the animals, exposure to predators, changes in habitat,and food availability.
    4. Thoughts/opinions - The extinction rate of species is vital to know because it would make us more aware of the role we are playing an animals extinctions, and we all would be able to see what can be done to prevent this from happening.
    Maryssa DeVille

  16. 1. What is an extinction rate? the extinction rate is the rate at which animals die or in which they become extinct.
    2) Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates? They think this because there are a lot of variables that can not be calculated into models, and some species are better apt to evolve and survive longer.
    3)Why do scientists think we may be underestimating extinction rates due to climate change? - Some factors are competition between species, climates, supplies of food. Also it is important to realize that species can adapt to these climate changes as to not go extinct.

    4) Thoughts/opinions - The extinction rate of species is important to know because it would make us more aware of the role we are playing in the animals extinctions, and we would be able to see what can be done to prevent it from happening.

    Chris Lovejoy

  17. 1) What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is the rate at which a species is dying and will become extinct.
    2) Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinction rates? Scientists believe this because there are many variables that can not be calculated into models, such as the species movement, relocation speed,and interactions with other species.
    3) What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? Variables that must be concidered are how quickly a species will react to climate changes, how easily they will be able to relocate, and their interactions with the species around them.
    4) Thoughts/Opinions? I think that we should all work together as a nation to increase awareness and education regarding the reality of the state of our environment and species extinction rates, and how we can act to turn the situation around in a positive direction. The government should spend more time focusing on creating regulations regarding different environmental issues.

    Erin Bresnahan

  18. 1. What is an extinction rate? An extinction rate is the rate at which a species is dying and will become extinct.
    2. Why do scientists think that we may be underestimating extinciton rates? They do this because they think there are many variables that cannot be calculated into models and other things like the adaption of a species.
    3. What variables need to be considered when estimating extinction rates? some variables that should be considered are how quickly a species reacts to climate change, how easily they can relocate, and their interactions with other species around them.
    4. Thoughts/Opinions? i believe that we should all work together to save species close to extinction and work on turning bad situations around like arguments over an animal, overall we as the people need to step it up when it comes to our environment.

    Kailey Wright
