Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Introduction to Blogging About AP Environmental Science Issues

Welcome to the Going APES blog! The goal of this blog is to broaden and deepen your understanding of current environmental issues!

Every week, you will be required to post comments in response to this blog in response to a reading and writing prompt that I post here. This assignment is worth 5% of your overall grade. If you have computer issues at home, there are computers available in the library and in the pod between the science rooms that you can use. Your prompt should be at least 5 sentences and should not include anything that would be against school rules including derogatory comments, profane language, etc. Just be cool in your response and remember that this is a graded assignment. Your grade will reflect your effort. So look in the right margin/sidebar, click on the current week's post, read it and any links 

posted there and respond. Happy blogging!




  3. I believe that, prior to the change, the coral was being held back by environmental resistance. Once the oceans temperatures were changed, the corol flourished. This shows that some natural habitats are not always the best suitable environments for that organism and would be benificial to be moved.
